Sustainable Engineering Solutions, LLC (SES) is a Small Business operating in Connecticut. SES was founded by professionals who understand the need for hands-on, practical engineering expertise with diverse experience in whole building commissioning, energy engineering and project management. SES has provided commissioning and energy engineering services for millions of square feet of new construction and existing buildings.
- DUNS: 939040205
- NAICS: 541330, 541350, 541690
- PSC: B543, R425
- CAGE Code: 5U6Z8
- SAM Active
- CT DAS Small Business Enterprise
- CT On-Call Contract for Building Commissioning and Envelope Commissioning Services No. OC-DCS-Cx-0005
- CT On-Call Contract for Energy Services No. 18PSX0104
- MA Statewide Contract Vendor: PRF62
- Purchase Cards and Credit Cards Accepted
- Certified Commissioning Providers
- Certified Building Envelope Commissioning Providers
- Certified Energy Auditors
- Certified Energy Managers
- LEED Accredited Professionals
- Building Control Specialists
- Eversource Approved Retro-Commissioning Vendor
Core Competencies
New Construction Commissioning
Existing Building Commissioning
- LEED® Commissioning
Continuous Commissioning
Monitoring Based Commissioning
Energy Audits
Energy Studies
Strategic Energy Planning
System Optimization
Condition Surveys
Controls Verification
Infrared Scanning
Power Quality Monitoring
Sound and Vibration Analysis
In-house Systems Training
Video Documentation of Building Systems Training
Past Performance
2016: Provided Retro-Commissioning services for two courthouses, resulting in a combined annual savings of $75,000.
State of Connecticut Judicial Branch – Michael Rice, Program Manager (860) 706-5262 | [email protected]
2011-2014: Provided Commissioning services for four renovate-as-new Hartford public schools totaling 439,000 square feet. 3 of the schools were designed and constructed in accordance with the Connecticut High Performance Building Standards or LEED® requirements.
City of Hartford – John Mena, Owner’s Rep (855) 774-9613 | [email protected]
2017: Provided fundamental and enhanced commissioning services to meet the LEED® Core and Shell Certification for a multimodal transportation center that includes rail and bus transit facilities.
Springfield Redevelopment Authority – Daniel Lanneville, Owner’s Rep. (617) 574-1424 | [email protected]
2010-2017: Provided commissioning services for several schools and a library as part of an On-Call contract with the City of Waterbury. All schools were constructed in accordance with the Connecticut High Performance Building Standards.
City of Waterbury – Mark Sedensky, Program Manager (203) 573-1622 | [email protected]