Indoor Air Quality in Our Schools

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in public schools has become an increasingly hot topic in recent years. From older buildings with operable windows to state-of-the-art facilities boasting advanced heating and cooling systems, the diversity in setups from district to district directly impacts IAQ levels. Unfortunately, many schools have resorted to quick fixes to tackle IAQ concerns, resulting in inconsistent outcomes. At SES, we understand the critical need for tailored solutions that cater to the unique variables and challenges posed by each school. Our goal? To ensure that both students and staff thrive in environments optimized for health and productivity.

Our approach involves not just providing appropriate IAQ recommendations based on age, condition, and utilization, but also conducting comprehensive assessments of air handling units. This deep dive allows us to gain invaluable insights into airflow levels and distribution throughout your school. With this knowledge, we provide comprehensive insights and recommendations geared towards enhancing indoor air quality, complete with the estimated implementation costs and benefits to determine the right solution for your community.

Services offered:

CT State Mandated IAQ Verification
HVAC System Troubleshooting & Diagnostics
Ventilation System Troubleshooting & Diagnostics
Preventative Maintenance Plans
Air Balance Verification
Existing Systems Testing

Our Purpose: Advocating for clients to achieve healthy and efficient buildings


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Our team is ready to provide you with comprehensive building consulting services. Contact us by phone or email so we can start talking about your next project.

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