
Sustainable Engineering Solutions – A New Look


Since 2008, Sustainable Engineering Solutions has been delivering building systems and equipment that are efficient, effective, and finely-tuned. We’ve grown and learned a lot over the last 15 years, and while our commitment to our work and our clients is timeless, we felt it was time for a new look that reflects the ways [...]

Sustainable Engineering Solutions – A New Look2023-11-29T09:40:32+00:00

The Commissioning Agent’s Fast-Track to Closeout


For any project with commissioning, the functional testing portion of the commissioning process is arguably one of the most important and rigorous activities. Unfortunately, if the commissioning process is not properly organized and executed, the functional testing portion of the project may leave the commissioning team with an overwhelming laundry list of issues. However, [...]

The Commissioning Agent’s Fast-Track to Closeout2024-07-04T08:11:00+00:00

Connecticut’s Mission to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Schools


When the COVID-19 outbreak hit the northeast, Connecticut was quick to take initiative and implement measures to mitigate the spread of the virus. One of these measures was to conduct studies on the indoor air quality and ventilation rates of the state’s educational facilities. While the numerous companies assisting with these studies and corrections [...]

Connecticut’s Mission to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Schools2024-07-04T08:13:03+00:00

When to Hire a Commissioning Agent: How Early is Too Late?


While you could wait until construction starts before bringing a Commissioning Agent (CxA) onboard, you’d be missing out on significant benefits by waiting until that point, and could even be doing your project a disservice. Involving a CxA early in the process will help you make sure your goals and needs for the project [...]

When to Hire a Commissioning Agent: How Early is Too Late?2024-07-04T08:13:21+00:00

Connecticut State Building Code Commissioning


What are the Connecticut State Building Code Commissioning Requirements? Building and energy codes are constantly changing, evolving and often reference additional codes and standards. In the State of Connecticut, commissioning is not only standard good practice for construction but also a code-driven requirement in the Connecticut State Building Code. Like all codes, they often [...]

Connecticut State Building Code Commissioning2024-07-04T08:14:03+00:00

What is Building Commissioning?


Across the nation, various energy efficiency, sustainable and high performance programs require building commissioning to be incorporated into construction projects. Many national, state, and municipal codes also require commissioning. While engaging a design and construction team in a project is standard practice, commissioning still is often approached with ambiguity. Given how long commissioning has [...]

What is Building Commissioning?2024-07-04T08:14:33+00:00

Why You Should Select a Third-Party Commissioning Provider


As the field of commissioning has grown and evolved over the past 25+ years, it has become a valued component of building projects in the Architecture/Engineering/Construction (A/E/C) industry. There are hundreds of highly respected and qualified commissioning providers throughout the country. Many of them are part of a team within larger engineering firms. When [...]

Why You Should Select a Third-Party Commissioning Provider2024-07-04T08:14:52+00:00

Putting an End to Taillight Warranties


The Benefits of Near End of Warranty Reviews Most people that have been in the construction industry are familiar with the phrase “taillight warranty.”  The phrase is used to describe how the only warranty service at the end of a construction project was watching the taillight of your contractors as they drove away, never [...]

Putting an End to Taillight Warranties2024-07-04T08:17:24+00:00

What is Monitoring-Based Commissioning?


Every few years the Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) certification program goes through a review process and is updated to reflect the constantly changing technologies of today’s world and ways in which to leverage them to improve building performance. When the LEED program was updated to Version 4, a new option was [...]

What is Monitoring-Based Commissioning?2024-07-04T10:24:48+00:00

An Overview of ASHRAE Guideline 36


Since the beginning of the modern HVAC industry, the design, installation and testing of a building automation system (BAS) has remained relatively untouched. The process is as follows: First, an engineer will develop control drawings and desired sequence of operations for the various pieces of HVAC equipment in their design documents. From there, an [...]

An Overview of ASHRAE Guideline 362024-07-04T10:29:39+00:00
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